
Tekeyla Friday

Swift Current, Saskatchewan

Thanks for being the most amazing mentor I've had. I really appreciate all that you are and everything that you have taught me.

I do think you are amazing! You have guided me through so many life lessons and have helped me to ground in the knowledge and understanding around my own abilities. Without that, I still might be one of those space cadets or worse, afraid of my abilities. LOL.

When clients ask me who they should seek out as a spiritual mentor, I always ask them how deep into spirit do you want to go? There are many spiritual mentors who snorkel along the top of the ocean of spirituality and are great for beginners. If you want deep, a mentor like Rose is what you may be looking for. She is the bottom of the ocean. The deeper you go, the higher you go but be aware that there is a lot of work involved as you may have many life lessons you need to clear. If you are only looking to get your toes wet, then you want one of the mentors who snorkel along the top of ocean until you are ready for a deeper experience.

Thea Vosgerau Udbye

Aarhus, Denmark

I feel blessed, for the opportunity to experience Bali the way we did. - And for all the other times I have been in the present of the healing and enlightening knowledge and growth which is shared among you and in the Universe around us and within us.

I feel blessed for knowing you, Rose and Terry, and feeling the love and the wisdom you share with me and everyone, and for all the wonderful beings I have met. I am very grateful.

I feel blessed, because I each day I am getting to know myself and the world around me with all its beings - from a greater perspective, as I open my heart and integrate and share the light and love of the Divine.

I feel blessed for being light in matter, and having my life to explore it.

Thank you for being part of it - may you find the Space for being all that you wish and dream to be and experience.

With light and love.

Laurie McClure

Calgary, Alberta

Words of truth from one of the students that participated in our firstMystical Shaman Mystery School on site classes in Bali.

How does one begin to explain the magic and miracle of spirit-or the mystery of the Universe-the connectedness... the true purity of spirit in matter, everyones experience is unique, and spirit works the way it is supposed to, gently (well usually) but with this amazing aptitude or magnitude- full of unlimited possibilities. Spirits enormity is awesome, truly humbling when you stand before it with your heart open.

Light Workers
Spiritual Beings in matter, who recognize another in need, we take the time to listen, we impart wisdom from the Universe. By keeping a clear conscious connection, and a clear vessel, spirit can come through for all of humanity.. for us there is no greater gift than having the ones in need come back to show you the shift- the light in their eyes, the smile from their soul - that moment when both of you know, they've found what they're looking for - have gratitude that the path you have chosen has helped the Universe and beyond extend its hand to one of its children... all because of the work you do on yourself.

Namaste My Lovely Rose.

Darlene Stricker

Medicine Hat, Alberta

I would like to personally share with you my experience of Rose's Healing Night. I have been to several of her Healing Nights and am so grateful for each. Each time has been an amazing experience. She is coming to Med Hat and I wouldn't want you to miss this opportunity. During the evening, names are drawn and that person is able to ask for a healing of a specific issue. Rose can precisely see the origin of the blocks of your requested issue and is able to heal and release them. It is specifically for you and also helps everyone attending. In a few minutes you can be aware of and release that issue, leaving you free from what could have been burdening for years or perhaps all your life.

This will be her second Healing Night in Med Hat. The first was a huge success. After experiencing my first evening I drove to Calgary for others and found several local people there. We are so fortunate to have Rose come again and I invite you to experience her work. Support yourself by coming April 17th. It is at my house at 7:00 PM. Rose works with people all over the world and I believe the people of Medicine Hat are ready for a healer of this magnitude. There is a minimum attendance required for Rose to come; we need to know this by April 8th. If requirements are met, registration will be open until the day of the event. To avoid disappointment, start your healing early; contact me sooner rather than later.

If you cannot make it you can still be part of the healing taking place that evening. Call me for me to explain how, or if you have any questions, or just want to know more. I am willing to share my personal experiences of what the healings have done for me.

Shirley Johnson

Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

With all the wonderful light and caring you and Terry have brought to myself and those that have experienced your Healing Nights, seminars, and talks, you have opened our eyes, ears, minds, and souls to "It's not just about Me, it's about WE." For that we are forever blessed to have met you both.

Laurie Lyckman

Carmangay, Alberta

Hi Rose & Terry,

My life has sure changed since I took the channelling course in Claresholm. It has been awesome. I have for the first time ever offered Reiki to someone I didn't know. I have also contacted a couple of people I knew and am opening a Reiki office in Vulcan and Claresholm 1 day a week. I am also volunteering at a women's shelter in Lethbridge offering Reiki to their clients. I really don't think I would ever have been able to offer any of this without the clearing that I received during the channeling course. Thank you so much Rose. I don't have as much fear in my everyday life, and I don't have to hang onto the old relationships that I have been clinging to for so long. It is so liberating.

I have 4 daughters and they too are liking the new me. I would also like to order 4 sets of Bliss Cards. They come here and that is the first thing they want is to have an affirmation for the day.

So thank you again. It was great to meet all of you. . .

Blessings to all of you.



Dear Rose, I am so magnificent! Wow that feels so good to say! Rose God bless you ,Bill I now know what you were trying to shift in me... I don't know why I was so resistant... SELF LOVE is so damned liberating, I never felt so free not in my fifty years on the planet. After you worked on me during your healing session in Moose Jaw Rose, I went home and listened to your Ascension series cd on releasing fear and Soul Retrieval. I had to write to Rose and in someway convey my gratitude to her,BARB,can you please forward this to her, and let her know it worked!!!! I send you all my love... The lightworkers that have worked on me all deserve kudos for being so vigilant, hence why I passed this on to all of you! Tekeyla your initial blessing was the catalyst that started the search! Rose you were instrumental, and the LIGHT and LOVE of those that stand behind you, God I AM so MAGNIFICENT!!!! I will carry this feeling with me always, its is the greatest gift of all for the first time since my father passed I can feel his presence standing behind me... and smiling... Its a joy that fills me to overflowing, Rose again God bless you and all that help you complete your work All that I AM, and All that I shall be, thanks you from the bottom of my very big heart! Thanks Tekeyla, Thankyou Mr Little! Please feel free to edit this in any way you choose and post it on your website! It is a triumph that needs to be shared! Thanks Barb! All my love xxx000

Sheila Toni

Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

Hi Rose,

What an amazing weekend! (refers to Effective & Practical Ways to Connect & Work with the Rays workshop)

I would like to take this time to say THANK YOU. For myself this was a very powerful, clearing, insightful workshop. It is definitely up there with my other top favourite Harmonizing Body Systems. How wonderful to learn my personal ray structure I would highly recommend this workshop to all.

I just want to Thank you for entering my life and for shining and sharing your light with me. It has been such an honour to have met you and Terry. At present I am really going through a lot of stuff, so up and down feel like I am on an emotional roller coaster... the reading that I had with you really was a amazing event in my life, You have touched my life in a way I can't even put into to words, a true blessing I Thank you for that... I look forward to learning more from you today and always...

Sheila Toni
Sacred Earth Metaphysical Store
14 River Street East
Moose Jaw, SK S6H 0A8

Lolita Solsikke Christensen


This is a testimonial about a very special case, we have put here the original email asking for help and an email received 2 months later. Note: English is her second language and we have not changed the wording. These phone sessions were conducted with Rose in Calgary, Canada and Lolita laying in her bed in Denmark.

***Email received Nov 17***
Dear Rose,
I'm writing to you because I really need some guidance. My name is Lolita Solsikke Christensen, I attended your course in channeling in april at vaeksthojskolen this year. Which got me rid of my fear of doing channeling. In marts this year I'd closed my healthfood shop uptill the 23rd of Aug. I was unemployed then I started in a new job at a healtfood shop. 2 weeks later I started having back- and neck problems, which I thought I'd to "excercies away".

After aprox. 3 weeks I went to a chiropractor and she was of the opinion that I'd a slide disk in the neck. So I was sent back to the healthcare system for at mri-scanning. I had the scanning made last Saterday, in the mean time it has been 2 months with incredible pain, untill I accepted that it was as it is and I need help, there was nothing I could do except lay done (which I couldn't for a periode). I can stay up for about 4 hours then I've to sleep. In that periode I also got fysioteraphy but after a month they "gave up".

In the same periode the neuolog also emergency admitted me to hospital because I've 20% movement in my left arm and left leg has started to loose power.

Well, the scanning shows I have a large slide disk between C6/C7 going out left and a small one between C5/C6 going out rigth. Then there is colapsed disk C5. The thing is they want to operate rigth away - Friday - taking away the 2 disks and replace them with metal and plastic plates. I've said no thank you to having the operation done on Friday but have an appointment Tuesday next week. Anyway I'm an "emerency case", so I can always go to the hospital.

But I have decided to have some intensive bodywork done from Friday till Sunday by a body sds worker. I'm afraid of the operation but if this doesn't work I will have it done.

I thought with the new job I was on the right way - I like the customer contact, and it is frustrating always be "kicked out of course" which I seem to have been for decades... I've clients for palmreading, I'm at reiki master teacher. Well I guess I've lost the sigght of which way to go and are confused about things. . .
With love and light

***HERE IS HER EMAIL RECEIVED Jan 27 (2 months later)***

Dear Rose and Everyone at methaphysicalcenter,
I want to share the good news with you:) The day before yesterday I went to at check up at the hospital, and every reflex and in every muscel the reacting is back and the strength/muscel power in my left side is back - even in triceps, which the doctor said wouldnot get back:) And at the hospital they said, well okay operation isn't the best in the long term but I was starting to getting lame in my left side. And for every day I'm getting stronger. So now I'm starting at a Physiotherapist center for training - yes. Isn't that great news and I'm so gratefull for all the help I've recieved and thank you so much Rose - I'm so happy you're arround:) With my new mantra:
Love, ease and grace
Lots of love,

***Further notes from Lolita: March 4 months later:***

When I read my first e-mail (and I'm glad you put on that english is my second language:)). I'm still amazed how I managed to write to you, even get the computer started, because at that time just breathing was so painfull. But luckily I've forgotten that, but still recall that my body was in so much pain and I was in such a state, that I thought if this doesn't stop, I would jump out from the balcony -I live on the 4th floor - because I just couldn't bare it anymore, I thought my life would be like that forever. So I am gratefull for the work you've done with me, it has had a great impact on me, not just physical but also on my spiritual/self enligthment. And when I go to the Physioterapist center and see people, who have had the operation, I feel so fortunate thatyou taught/helped me to stay neutral and all the other things, so I could recieve your healing.

With Love

I. M.

Calgary, Alberta

Hi Rose.

You had asked for feedback on the healing session on Wed night. What can I say? I feel very privileged to have been part of that group and experience your healing work. Your connection with the Masters and the work you do through them is very exciting and I feel honored to have the privilege of being a witness to what you do.

The group setting was very powerful. Everyone there was willing to share some pain in their lives for their own healing and be a part of the healing that was happening for all the others in the group. It resulted in feeling very close to the others in the group. It was wonderful to experience healing for myself through the healings that were going on for each of the other group members. This is a very time efficient way to get healing for a lot of different issues one might have. It was very moving for me and touched on a lot of my own issues.

Birgit Carviel

Cumberland, BC

Your book, Rose, explained the Masters beautifully and with great detail. Not only did I have such a good, warm feeling when reading your book, but it also brought more clarity and understanding. It contains amazing insights as well as practical applications. I am always keeping it with me, it has become my 'spiritual guide', a well written, comprehensive guide and it is such a pleasure to read.

Nadia Kimarniski-Sykes

Dear Rose,
I would like to 'Thank You' so much for sharing your guidance and knowledge with me at the workshop in Moose Jaw. You were the fountain of spirituality and knowledge that I have been searching so long for. My experiences with the Anglican Religion and most especially our church have left me alone and very afraid that I would never find my spirituality and my connection with the Divine and my sadness was overwhelming me. You were the 'light' that opened my heart again and I cannot thank you enough.

I have been reading your book daily and I realize that I have finally found my path and although I just want to 'run down that path' I know that I have much work to do to continue my healing and growth.

I have spoken with ---- regarding your healing sessions and my heart tells me that is where I need to start on my new path.

I would like to book an hour long 'healing session' with you..when you have an appointment available. I realize that it may be some time before an appointment becomes available but the peace and love that you have allowed to enter my heart is like a ladder of light that I am now climbing and I know that my time with you will be when 'it is right' so I am very comforted in that knowledge.

I await your reply safe in the knowledge that I have begun my journey and the universe will help me as I help myself.

Thank you so very very much for coming in to my life!

With love and light.

Lisa Blomme

Shaunavon, Saskatchewan

You are an inspiration to all of your students, to become knowledgeable, spiritual and so gifted like yourself and Terry I am forever grateful to be part of your lives. One does not get the chance to express this to both of you at the classes. I will be forever grateful for being introduced to you and Terry.

Many Blessings,

Lina Starcke Larsen


Regarding the Danish e-book
. . And your book - it is just gorgeous! I talked about it at our healer evening in December and there were 4 people from the group which want to buy the book, so I am curious what they think about it.

I am so proud of your book on your behalf! It is so well written, so precise and what I really like about the book is that I know you and know that you do not say or write something which is not 100% true - so for me it is like reading a science book about the spiritual world. I feel this way when I'm sitting and reading in the book; I feel like I can hear you say "you know what Lina, this is how to .." and so I sit and feel that you are sitting in front of me and teaching me all the things it says in the book.

So Rose, if I have not said it to you before, I am so grateful for everything you taught me -

Thank You!!
Love & Light to you and Terry

Lina Starcke Larsen
Reikimaster healer
Cand. MSc in management and leadership

Tammy Stehr

Hello Rose and Terry,
Thank you sooo much for this weekend (Stillness Within Training). I feel so priviledged. It is a monumental experience for me.

Since I was probably ten or twelve I felt that it was so important for me to be the very best I could be so that one day I could serve humanity. As mylife went on I started to become more cynical and thought that I just had a fat head and that I was not special or had any spectacular gifts. Now I know that I do indeed have special gifts, like many others (our group this weekend) and that I do have a strong pull and guidance to do healing work for myself as much as possible. In doing that I can help everyone around me.This is what I want most in my life, to help others. Funny how things work out. Well not as funny as profound.

I have read more of your book and through that and looking over some of my notes I realize that if I can be a healer and create abundance because it is for divine use then everything is in perfect order because that is what I desire most!!!


Dear Rose & Terry,

I wish to sincerely thank you for sharing your knowledge, truth and love that has and continues to guide me on my spiritual path. Your book is an incredible source and provides me daily with your (in the higher sense) voice of wisdom.

The workshops, lectures, meditations and counseling I have experienced with you and other spiritual leaders are brought alive and so well articulated - your sense of humor and honesty reflect how I feel and think. At times when I'm reading or meditating after reading a part it feels like we are together in the same room, even though we are physically over a thousand miles apart.

Your commitment to service is greatly appreciated and loved.
Blessings to both of you
Love Vhalle

Debbie Elicksen

Calgary, Alberta

Received via email:
FYI I use your Bliss cards almost every day. You were certainly right. My life has never been the same since I read your book or met you. It's improved tenfold (not that it was bad before) and I feel very blessed.

Debbie Elicksen,
Freelance Communications

Shelley Heath

Good evening Rose & Terry,

What a wonderful Experience!! The Harmonizing All Body Systems clearly allowed me to see the root cause of the patterns in my life I have been trying to change for so long. I have come away with a greater feeling of myself and a new appreciation of who I am. The layer line clearly shows what the triggers of negative thoughts and feelings is doing to my physical body. Without love we really cannot connect to our higher self and spirit and without that connection we are not able to really wee why we are here and what purpose we serving here on earth.

Rose and Terry also provided me with the tools necessary to connect to my soul, higher self and spirit.

Thank you Rose & Terry for giving back to me a feeling of love in order to get to the next level in my true self. You are both truly light and love,

With extreme gratitude,

L. L.

Calgary, Alberta

This class Harmonizing All Body Systems helped make my path of self healing so much more clear and simple. I gained a solid understanding of how the different aspects of myself, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually are working together (or not) to create my sense of well-being. I completed the course feeling fantastic - lighter, more vibrant, aware and confident in approaching my relationships and health.

The atmosphere in Rose's classes is always very warm, inviting, and healing. she and Terry manage the group with fun and lightness, while providing incredibly powerful opportunities for people to experience self healing and transformation within themselves.

N. W.

Calgary, Alberta

Transformational Healing has allowed me to grow and expand. It has shown me how to take an "eagle view" in life. I regularly use the techniques learned in Transformational Healing in my practice and I feel more effective in working with clients. Thank you Rose, for this gift. Truly thank you.



Dear Rose,
It is my pleasure to put in writing what a life changing experience it was to meet you.

The Private Reading explained so many feelings and as they were explained, the restrictions lifted like weights floating away. The healing was extremely powerful and I came away feeling a different person.

Since that day my whole approach to life has been different. A long standing depression has simply disappeared and I feel so positive. I have more energy and life is easier and more fun. I have also been listening to your CD's and the meditations have given me the most blissful feelings of happiness. It is a new world yet it feels so comforting and familiar.

I know what I felt when I was in session and since is a gift of the greatest value and my life can never be the same again. It is a joy to know that there are people like you in the world who can make such a difference.



Seven Persons, Alberta

Hi! My name is Randy. When I was 12 years old, I took Yhandi. It helped me emotionally. I used to get mad playing on my computer. I don't anymore. If I feel like getting mad, I just go and talk to my inner child to see what is wrong, and we fix it together.


Seven Persons, Alberta

Hi, this is a message from Randy's Mom. I would like to share my observations from Randy's experience with Yhandi. Randy was having some problems being able to clearly express himself. He would have sudden outbursts when things didn't go his way, mainly on his computer. I took him to see Rose about a year ago to see what Yhandicould do for him. After the first day session he had with Rose, I could significantly see a difference in him. When I arrived to pick him up, he was smiling with the biggest grin I have ever seen. It was honestly ear to ear. I don't think Randy ever felt this happy in his whole life. My heart beamed for him. I was truly happy for him and his success. He has received the tools to help him connect with his inner child, and if something doesn't feel right, he just goes and checks in, to see what is up. This tool has also allowed him to heal himself on all levels when needed. If there is some sort of a physical problem, he talks to his inner child to find out what they can do together to relieve the pain. Very empowering for such a young person.

It has almost been a year for him now, and I still have to say, he is doing fantastic. The younger the child, the easier it seems for them to release the issues. Not as many layers later on in life to peel away. I encourage all of you who can, to help your little ones by giving them this precious gift of a lifetime, you will not be disappointed, and neither will they.

I would like to share with you all, one more little tidbit of information. I had an appointment with Rose for a reading. Before going into my reading session with Rose, I had a Ro-Hun card reading done with Terry. I instinctively knew the issues we would be dealing with before hand, but did not realize how helpful this process would be to release them. By having the Ro-Hun done previously to a reading, it made better use of my time with Rose. Ro-Hun is just one more tool that we can all use to help us move forward in our life. One which I fully enjoyed, especially that last card. Thanks Terry!! My last card did what is said it would, and it has to be one of the most magical experiences so far in my life.

With all my love


Banff, Alberta

Wow! This was a life changing experience for me!!! I did Yhandi last summer and the Healing Intensive put the puzzle together. It was like I received some of the pieces of the puzzle last summer and this spring the puzzle came together. I learned valuable tools to use on my journey of life.

The reflective healing was my favorite part!! It's hard to find the words to explain the experience - you feel like a totally new you!! You feel alive, confident and excited to face the next moment. It's the first time I felt that everything was going to be alright. It's great that it touches all aspects of your being - I think it is ALL a very important part of the healing.

Thank you Rose - "Namaste"

Keep Growing!!!


Since taking Yhandi 18 months ago, I have experienced a decrease in long time fears. My confidence level has increased significantly and my ability to think clearly enables me to make good decisions with positive results. The changes were subtle but obvious over time, resulting in overall contentedness.


Calgary, Alberta

I am writing to tell you how much of a difference the Yhandi process has made to my daughter's life. As you know, 8-year old Mary, who is now 9, has been troubled since birth by melancholy, insecurity and feelings of extreme neediness. I had taken her out of an unhappy domestic situation by leaving her father, when she was 6, and had hoped that she would blossom, once away from all the tension. Whereas, my mental and emotional state improved dramatically, hers did not significantly.

Last summer, she began to regress in her emotional development and was asking to be a baby again. She wanted to be diapered and to drink from a bottle. I was beginning to think there were some very deep emotional issues that stemmed from early infancy or maybe even past lives. Since I had had such good results with the Yhandi process, I decided to ask you to work with Mary in this way.

These results of doing the Yhandi with Mary were indeed astounding. Within two weeks of going through the Yhandi, Mary was a brand new child, with age-appropriate behaviors, a sunny and even humorous disposition, and no desire to be a baby again. Her confidence soared and she was given the leading role in her Christmas school play, which she performed with great skill and gusto. Her schoolwork improved significantly with the teachers remarking on how much better her attention and concentration had become.

Six months later, Mary continues to be a very normal child. She has her occasional sad or angry moments, usually due to peer dynamics, or sibling rivalry, but these behaviors are all quite normal for her age. There is no longer the overriding sadness and neediness. She has become the person I always wished she could, and blesses me daily with her enthusiasm and humor.

I am so grateful for the work you and Mary did together, using theYhandi model. I now have my daughter back!! I would highly recommend this process for other children with challenging emotional issues.

I would, however, also recommend that parents of these children undergo the process first, so that they have a lot of their own issues out of the way, and a clear understanding of how to work with the child following the initial sessions. Rose, I wish you all the best in the future as you bring this healing modality to the world. With deepest respect and gratitude.

Names have been changed by request.


Vancouver, British Columbia

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you so much for the wonderful Channeling course I attended a couple of weekends ago in Calgary. I have never consciously channeled before and was very much looking forward to the experience.

You and Terry go out of your way to provide a soothing, comfortable and loving environment to enable everyone to relax and enjoy the experience. Personally, I found the course format to be busy enough to keep me entertained and interested, but at the same time, I was allowed to approach the various channeling methods in my own time and in my own comfort zone.

Whatever my expectations were, they were exceeded. All of us were able to channel both through automatic writing and voice channeling with relative ease. You slowly build up each person's confidence by approaching the channeling in small bits so that when you are finally voice channeling, you are both comfortable and confident.

Thank you again for the opportunity to share this experience with you and the rest of the group. I valued the time; loved the beautiful energy and thoroughly enjoyed the entire weekend. Once again, I know that my life will never be the same. It is precious to find someone who encourages your spiritual growth only through becoming your own Master, but at the same time, balances that with always being there to help in any way if needed.


Marijane Ashforth

Canmore, Alberta

Shuneaj Integration Process is the opening to heal all aspects of yourself and the release of what no longer serves your higher purpose. It pulls everything all together with ease and grace.

Yhandi is a miracle process that everyone should experience! It is the key that unlocks the door to have the ability to preserve the balance within one's self. It is empowerment beyond belief!!


Friday Harbour, Washington

Greetings and Blessings!

Now wasn't that fun your meeting and connecting with MaryLou almost another aspect of me. We are so close.....Once again you so lovingly assisted me to open this door I knew was ajar awaiting my arrival. Slowly but surely, with your guidance, I am learning to trust my Higher Self to expand through me -setting aside more each day my little personality self to allow more fully and completely the flow. Thank You! .....May your days be filled to overflowing with blessings, peace, joy and love.

I Love You - We Are One Eternally
Joy, Hugs and Kisses

...The Channeling Class was such a blessing from your heart that easily allowed the opening to expand into the light within your guidance! And the coming together of our connections-of-old was beyond any expectations and a true gift of spirit signaling to all 'the time is now' for each. And Yhandi was way beyond what anybody could relay it is and my gratitude for this healing is bigger than any known mountain on Earth. It is a birthing of a new beginning with a freshness renewed with the dawn of every day. The release is complete and beautiful beyond belief. Thank you Rose for facilitating this glorious renewal upon Earth - a gift of and from the wondrous Love of All That Is! . . . trip to the mountains mirrored the stupendous changes within and the freshness and stimulating connection to spirit we choose to immerse our beings in here on Earth in our quest to bridge Heaven on Earth each moment of Now. I returned with my suitcase just as full as my heart - over flowing with unlimited love radiating for all from above. So "Thank You" carries my full heart of gratitude and so-o much joy.

We Are One in Love, Light and Joy Eternally

Hugs and Kisses

Gisele Chevrier

Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan

Dearest Rose & Terry,

I want to thank you for coming into my life. I truly believe that every person I meet has a purpose for me.

I believe you came into my life to give me the knowledge, understanding, and self confidence to heal myself. I really appreciate what you have done for me.

It's surprising how easy it is to access my Higher Spirit and manifest what I want.

My energy is much higher and I am finally enjoying Life instead of just going through the motion of living. I now feel we are all One.

You will always have a special place in my heart!

I also believe destiny holds for me that I will be seeing you both again when Divine timing is right for me, I will take "The Intensive Spiritual Healing course".

I love you both and take care.


This course was so incredible! Especially in the end, I felt so much joy & love! I realize I have so much to give away.

I have a tool now to find answers on my own. I have a lot more direction with my gifts - what they are.

I've always known my heart is really something and now it makes sense! I am a Keeper of the Heart and a Keeper of Ancient Mysteries! What an honour & what an honour to meet you Rose & to meet you Terry!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Donald Boire

I appreciate the opportunity you have given me to be given the tools to be able to go into my inner sanctuary. It was a profound experience. You can't really explain it until you actually feel and experience it. I would encourage anyone who wants to be on their path, take the course.



I found the experience of Stillness Within exhilarating, enlightening and an awakening. My spiritual experiences have been heightened and my attitudes vastly changed not only towards the approach of spiritualism but to my own approach to God. I feel closer to the Creator and closer to who I really am.

Name With-held by request

Iwona & Richard

Calgary, Alberta

When my husband and I signed up for the Stillness Within course we didn't know what to expect. I'm always in search of finding out who we really are and how we relate to each other in this life, and taking this course seemed to be a natural progression on our path. I must say that my husband signed with a little resistance and reservation and I was a bit apprehensive to take the course with him because I myself wasn't sure if I would feel very comfortable with him with the exercises that were waiting for us. I knew that there will be some exercises and moments when we will get very vulnerable and I was very surprised to discover that this feeling made me a little uncomfortable, why would I feel uncomfortable to be vulnerable with my husband?

The course was beautifully crafted, presented in a very loving manner and provided a very safe environment for all of the exercises that we did. Thank your for that! It equipped us with the specific tools that we could take and apply immediately. The effects of this course were very settled but at the same time very visible. Through the exercises this is what I noticed has changed in my life:

There is more courage, more self-love, more understanding, more patience is a process and I love moving through it and observing myself in this mode.

Openness is my husband's greatest change. He has opened not only to the people but also to himself and me. He is on the road of self-discovery and self-acceptance ... and excited about it.

And what changes we notice in our marriage? We gave ourselves permission to be honest but not judgmental, opinionated but not patronizing, child-like but not childish, we are more tolerant, more understanding, very comfortable being together in the silence. Thank you so much for the experience.

Iwona & Richard

H. K. G.

Lubbock, Texas

The class was very enlightening. I travelled from the Southern U.S. to Canada for this course and was not disappointed. Rose is a very insightful, loving, well educated in all aspects of the curriculum that was taught. As well as being interesting and fun I would recommend this class to any and all.

F. B.

Red Deer, Alberta

I found this class to be an important component in my process of self discovery and healing. It gave me tools to use on my own for the rest of my life so that I can move towards greater understanding of what to do when I want to meet challenges, manifest goals, seek answers and achieve enlightenment.

B. D.

Calgary, Alberta

A gentle process in learning how to create our own Inner Sanctuary and connecting with spirit. A significant addition to my daily spiritual practice. Rose is a gifted teacher who is able to meet people where they are at and move them forward.

Betsy Mustard

Calgary, Alberta

For me, this course provided an opportunity for me to connect to my inner resources & my own inner knowing; and to take that knowing into concrete pictures of how I can become my vision & actualize my desires and preferred ways of being in this world. I feel more concretely connected to my higher self.

Sandra Salzgeber

Canmore, Alberta

I found that I knew most of the main concepts taught in Stillness Within. Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed the course because Rose always proves herself to be a wonderfully gifted teacher who can explain very clearly and simply the concepts, excersises and scope or of the course.

The course provides a very practical tool for accessing our Divine inner self and for receiving answers as well as learning to manifest whatever we need to live a balanced and harmonious life. It appeals to the mind and at the same time teaches you to Connect to Spirit.

The Wholistic Healing Intensive is an awesome program. I feel that there has been a really profound shift in my awareness and being. This has been done through amazing interactive healings and teachings. So simple yet life changing.

I feel I have taken charge of myself emotionally and mentally through an unwavering connection to Spirit. I can feel the confidence and assurance which has replaced my many doubts. It was wonderful to share with the other people who created a safe and nurturing space.

Having already taken the Wholistic Healing Intensive, I can see why Stillness Within is a pre-requisite, because it seems to lay the foundation for the Intensive. I feel that one would probably receive far greater depth of insight and understanding in the Intensive after practising what is learned in Stillness Within.

Thank you Rose, for creating a program and facilitating it, which has definitely changed and moved my life forward.


Calgary, Alberta

The Wholistic Healing Intensive workshop brought up all the suppressed areas and things I didn't consciously fully connect to. The tools will be so valuable as clearing agents.

I enjoyed all the healing modalities and I see how each one assisted the body. I do feel stronger and clearer and have more awareness of areas I still need to watch. I know more healing is to come.

Thank you for your love and support.

Pia Heuer Andersen

Aalborg, Denmark

Hi Rose,

Balancing the Male & Female Within Sacred Relationship, The Path of Transformation

I must say, that I think one of the most interesting workshops I have seen in a long time is the balancing the male and female. It is working with subtle things inside, powerful meditations and the oils as a very physical thing. To me it feels very "round" and complete.

N. W

Dear Terry and Rose

Thank you for the Sacred Relationship Course. The format and content made it clear that the work is personal and based inwardly, but the growth I experienced and insights I received translate to my real life relationship inter-dynamics easily. I have come away from the class with a deeper understanding of electromagnetism, the chakras, fear, and dynamic balance. If there was a key for me in the workshop, it would have to have been the tone that was set by the both of you. I truly enjoyed this class and the process I went through. Blessings, to you.

Fatima G. Remtulla

Calgary, Alberta

The Balancing the Male and the Female Within: - Sacred Relationship: The Path of Transformation workshop gave me the knowledge to undertand myself better and equipped me with effective communication skills to bring in my Divine purpose, by working on my own sacred relationship within balancing my male and female energies walking my path and journey in my femininity, creating harmonious relationships in every area of my life with love, joy, peace, safety, harmony and abundance.

Counselor, Educator, and Advocate (Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse and Aids Calgary)
Pharmacy Technician
Fatima G. Remtulla


Calgary, Alberta

Hi Rose,

I've been meaning to sit down and write you a note letting you know how wonderful I've been feeling since having done the Yhandisessions with you. Better late though, I suppose, than never.

At first I was pretty hesitant about doing the session wondering how something that simple could bring such peace in my life with so little effort. It's amazing, and I thank you for that. My self-confidence has soared and I no longer get carried away with emotions. I attract a different type of person around me. They seem to be more like myself. I have greater energy. Also the energy I have in my solar plexus has changed greatly. It's very calm & relaxed. I feel so much more balanced in every way. I don't feel anger or rage that I used to. It's so easy to control my thoughts. The conflicts I was having with myself have disappeared.

My relationship with my family has changed also. I've become not so controlling, actually I can say I don't control at all any more. I'm able to allow others their own space.

I seem to know instantly when things in my life don't feel just right and I know how to fix it. I've started seeing the interplay with all the parts of myself and how it all helps one become whole.

I'm also very grateful for having taken the Ascension classes, the channeling classes, Reiki, meditations and all other modalities you have to offer. They have been greatly beneficial to my life in opening many doors and for that I am so grateful. You have a wonderful love and insight for others and bless you for what you give. It is such a wonderful journey.

I do enjoy the meditation tapes you've put together. I use them daily. I hope to continue meditation classes as soon as my life slows down a bit.

See you Soon Rose.
All my Love & Blessings with
A White Rose of Happiness

Cecile Petra

Manyberries, Alberta

The Yhandi process helped me to see very clearly the deep-seated emotional issues I was carrying in my lower chakras. I was surprised to see the sometimes dark and disturbing images, but Rose helped me to view it from a perspective of detachment and unconditional love. With Rose's help I was led through a clearing and re-working of the second and third chakra issues to transform them into positive, healthy programs. Since undergoing the Yhandi process I am now much more able to connect with the inner child and inner adult within me. I'm able to see how imbalances in these areas affect my life, much more quickly, and am able to rectify the issues much more efficiently and effectively. I feel I have significantly more energy and enthusiasm for life since doing the Yhandi process. I would highly recommend it to anyone wishing to undo lifetimes of negative mental and emotional programming.


Airdrie, Alberta

Rose I wanted to e-mail you to tell you how much my life has changed for the better with the sessions, classes and now the Yhandi. The one on one sessions have cleared many blocks and allowed me to change and grow in ways I never thought were possible. I have been able to release so many of the fears, some very deep, that were holding me back. The Yhandi is something I would recommend to anyone. As direct result, I feel a great sense of joy, peace and contentment in my life. Of all the classes I have taken, I think the most helpful was theReiki. This has allowed me to help myself and others in a direct way and the positive results are easy to see. The Ascension classes have been the most powerful and life changing for me. I now have a sense of purpose and direction in my life and a strong spiritual connection that I can't describe but that provides me with the answers I need, when I need them.


Red Deer, Alberta

I am writing today to give a testimonial on how my life has changed for the better since I came to Rose Sangregorio and received Shuneaj Integration Therapy (Chakra Clearing) and undergone Yhandi treatment.

For you to fully understand, I wish to share with you pertinent information of my life.

Since I was quite young I suffered from fibromyalgia. At the age of 18 the condition was affecting my life in many ways. Looking back now I remember the pain taking away my smile and my zest and joy for life.

The next event in my life was a marriage which lasted 13 years and was like fuel for my disease. The marriage was abusive, mentally, physically and spiritually. I say spiritually because by the end of the 13 years, my spirit was badly broken.

My saving grace through those years was my diary and God - the only ones I could talk to. It took years of counseling and self-help books to get my mental and emotional body back to a healthier state, however, my physical (fibromyalgia) was still getting worse.

When I could no longer stand the pain and found myself crying every day and unable to do the things a mother needs to do for her children and her husband, I went to yet another doctor to plead for help. His only suggestion for this 'incurable' disease was pain killers.

Two years and thousands of dollars later I needed help to walk, my body was shutting down (organs) and I was emancipated (down to 95 lbs.) I hadn't weighed 95 lbs since I was 10 or 11 years old. My children were terrified that I was dying and I was sure that unless I did something I was going to die.

If you get anything out of this testimonial please hear me when I say pain killers are not the long term answer.

Then I heard about the Myosymmentries clinic in Calgary. I got off the pain pills and started a treatment program which lasted for 7 or 8 months. When I finished there, I was able to function, laugh and hug my children again, but I knew I would have to be very careful not to over do it and get lots of rest. Through the treatments at the clinic I was told of Rose Sangregorio, who is a spiritual healer, and was told she may be able to help me further.

As I said earlier I completed the Shuneaj Integration (Chakra clearing) therapy and Yhandi. The results have gone beyond my wildest dreams. I have no pain and the fibromyalgia is totally gone.

I have, through all this work, realized how important it is to honour your body with exercise, rest and proper food. Listen to your body, heed what it's telling you.

Not only have I not got fibromyalgia but I also have changed for the better in so many ways. I have so much energy I can now outlast my children. It took me until I was 44 years old to accomplish all of this, however, anything is possible if you take it one day at a time.

In all things in life there are many dimensions to everything. Like my path to happiness and health - many things helped me to get where I am today.

everyday problems are no longer a crisis
I love life
I smile a real smile
I laugh more
I love more deeply
I could go on and on about how marvelous my life is and how blessed I am to have found Rose. To me it is a miracle. There is hope for even the incurable - never give up.

Lots of love to you all

Signed: Living Proof

Connie Sarratt

Lubbock, Texas

Healing Intensive
For the past 6 years I have been very blessed with the opportunity to travel on numerous spiritual journeys, peace conferences and workshops.

These experiences have been life changing, what they have done for my consciousness and personality. Rose's spiritual intensive (encompassing the Stillness Within Training and Healing Intensive has done for my sub-conscious in only 2 weeks! I have gone through 25-30 years of analysis in just 2 weeks with astonishing results because the old energies have been healed and removed from my emotional and mental bodies with love and light and with the assistance of the kingdom of heaven.

This information is full of practical information that can be used in everyday life. It is very clear & precise & taught with total love and compassion from Rose. This information removes us from victim consciousness into self empowerment & responsibility & teaches us to connect directly with a higher power.

I love you Rose.


Calgary, Alberta

I've finally gotten around to sending you a note on my experience of participating in the Healing Intensive workshop. It truly helped me to see where I've been coming from in my life's journey.

I saw a lot of what I thought my belief system was and how I can correct it. It taught me how to stay centered and connected to my whole body system. The workshop gave a broader understanding of how life operates and what I can do to keep myself centered.

What the workshop really gave me was myself. By letting go of the protection I had around my heart, it has opened my whole life to allow others to come in. It has helped release my fear and understand what fear really is.

I can see that the journey I've started will continue. I now have some more great tools to help me.

Thank you


Calgary, Alberta

The Healing Intensive program taught me powerful and effective skills that touch all the elements of my life, the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical bodies. The exercises looked at my behavior patterns and how they affect my daily life. Having this knowledge now has opened up doors and windows for me that I would not have had the courage to open.

I thank all those who contributed to my healing process.


Calgary, Alberta

After attending the Healing Intensive workshop, I feel more empowered and calmer. I enjoyed the healings and class discussions. The Yhandi was the most powerful work in moving the blocks. I really enjoyed the Mother Meera meditation and reflective healing. I feel clearer and more confident since the beginning of the class. Thank you Rose!

B. M.

Calgary, Alberta

It was a very powerful and empowering course. The tools I learned in the course have certainly helped me develop a deeper and richer understanding of how to bring Spirit into my life and express it through Matter with loving intent

A. M.

Calgary, Alberta

- A powerful experience
- practical and useful techniques to increase balance and harmony in my life
- very self nurturing
- everyone in my world will benefit from what I have learned in this course

Thanks Rose, with much metta


Swift Current, Saskatchewan

This course was incredible. I have learned a very powerful tool to use daily to help me with my spiritual journey.

It will help me make positive changes in my life and changes in my inner self which will help me with my inner healing.

K. L.

Calgary, Alberta

I gained great insight and understanding towards my inner journey. I believe that I have established the beginning of a strong foundation in which to build on."

Thank you Rose

Paul Larmer

Calgary, Alberta

The Wholistic Healing Intensive served as a milestone in my personal development. From the moment of the initial consultation, I was aware of changes in my perceptions and behaviors. These changes were so easily set in motion that it was almost difficult to believe anything was happening. However, the proof was in my experience. Right away, I was taking action to create the life I had always imagined but somehow could not bring into reality. Suddenly clear of blocks and limited thinking, my thoughts flowed easily into action. I look after myself. I am focused. I am happy. In three months, my business has taken a steep climb upward, my family life is balanced and fulfilling and I trust in the prosperity of my future. Thank you Rose and Terry.

Paul Larmer; Calgary, AB
Home Personal Training & Massage

I AM. Vhalle

This program has significantly changed my perspectives. The tools you taught me have shown me behaviour patterns, both learned and innate, that I really didn't like. Through the information and tools you shared and through the healing sessions, I really feel an internal change in the way I view myself, how I behave in situations and most significantly what I am capable of achieving. This Intensive Workshop is definitely not an easy "fix". It has been hard work, and painful at times; but your recommendation to persevere and to meditate daily has opened new opportunities and I no longer feel lonely. It's a whole new feeling of "Inner Leadership". Thank you Rose and Terry.


The Healing Intensive was a powerful healing program for me. I decided to take it while pregnant with the intent to clear and heal myself and my baby before the birth. Not only did I/we experience physical healing but also mental - emotional and spiritual healing as well. My life has literally been transformed as a result of this program and I highly recommend it to anyone who is committed to their healing process. I feel freer, clearer and able to express love more openly than ever before. I was also blessed with a short uncomplicated labour and a beautiful child who has wonderful energy. Thank you Rose and Terry - you will always hold a special place in my heart. Your healing work is phenomenal!